Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Lost Entry

I was going through my old blog's administrator section and I found a rough draft post that I never published. I started creating this post mid-September of 2010 so almost 14 years ago. It was related to a guy I dated that summer. I alluded to him in my hobo-sexual entry last year. So you already know where this is going. But finding this missing gem was pretty cool. So I thought I would go ahead and share this entry.   It's as I left the draft so there may be a little more clunkiness in reading it.   Plus it is unfinished.



Things slowly began unraveling though (even during the beginning phases of getting to know each other). After our very first meeting, Columbo called telling me how JHyde flipped out on him over something trivial. I've honestly forgotten what it was about but they wound up making up the next morning. These incidents seem to happen quite a lot though.

The relationship between Columbo and JHyde sank faster and faster. JHyde wasn't happy with the contribution Columbo was making to household bills. I asked Columbo if any kind of agreement was ever made when he moved in with him. He stated it had not and that JHyde had been "begging" him for the last five years to move to Chicago to start a new life since there wasn't anything happening in Columbus.

During my brief time with Columbo, he had two low paying telemarketing jobs. I soon found myself paying for his Verizon calling cards, gas for his car, and saving him twice from overdraft fees from his checking account.

There were moments when I wondered if he was taking advantage of me but in the few moments he had extra cash, he did willingly pay for items. So I never felt he intentionally did so.

Things finally came to an abrupt end between Columbo and JHyde around mid-July. Basically JHyde told Columbo one Thursday night (well texted him actually since he stopped talking to him) that he had to be out of his place by Monday. Columbo called me that night and decided that he didn't want to stay any longer than he needed.

The next morning he told me that he was driving back to Columbus. He needed help with gas money which I provided.

That's actually where the draft ended.   Looking at it now, Columbo had no business dating until he found a job and got his shit together.   I should not have entertained going out with him either.   So I take responsibility for allowing myself to be caught up in that mess.   I blame it on him looking like Kevin James.   Yeah he's the guy I referenced in this post as well.   At least I didn't let him move in with me when he asked after now that I think about it, he probably got thrown out of the place by JHyde.

I did meet JHyde once and I could just imagine he was probably not thrilled with Columbo bringing a random guy over to his place.   Now that I think about it I wonder if JHyde had feelings for Columbo.   So when seeing me JHyde was probably like "hell to the no".   He probably told Columbo he could go ahead and live with me and see if I would take him in.

That was indeed a cruel summer.   I just realized that relationship ended mid-July but it took me a couple months to attempt to blog about it.   I think it may have more or less been out of embarrassment that I didn't finish the draft and publish it.   But when I think of all the experiences I've shared over the years, that should not have been a concern.  I've shared worse.  LOL.   I'm thankful I got out of that situation unscathed.  

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