Sunday, May 26, 2024

People Make The World Go Round

 The Stylistics - People Make The World Go Round


Trash man didn't get my trash today
Oh, why? Because they want more pay
Buses on strike want a raise in fare
So they can help pollute the air


But that's what makes the world go round
The ups and downs, a carousel
Changing people's heads around
Go underground, young man
People make the world go round


Wall Street losin' dough on every share
They blaming it on longer hair
Big men smokin' in their easy chairs
On a fat cigar without no care


It's so interesting reading the lyrics of some of my favorite songs.   The part where Wall Street is blaming longer hair for stocks losing money seemed a bit peculiar.    But apparently the connection may be due to slang.   The term haircut according to slang refers to the value of an asset deducted to account for a possible fall in its value before it can be liquidated.   So I guess The Stylistics weren't that far off with those lyrics.   You learn something new everyday.

Dom and I always find ourselves remarking how much we "hate people".   Every time I have to pick up litter in front of our house, I always mutter how much I "hate people".   When people speed and cut Dom or I on the road, we mutter that we "hate people".   Both of us were "hating people" when we took the crowded train to downtown Chicago last weekend to see the comedy play Judgment Day starring Jason Alexander of Seinfeld fame.   Also co-starring in the play was Daniel Breaker who stars in my latest guilty pleasure on Netflix called Girls5Eva.

Girls5Eva follows four ladies that were part of a late 90's girl band group who are trying to get their group back together after more than 20 years.   It's such a funny comedy.   For me it ranks up there with some of my past faves, including Half & Half (named my first blog after it...LOL) and Schitt's Creek.    The latter I got Dom hooked on it after he kept hearing the flugelhorn when I watched the show in the basement and wondered what the noise was.   We've rewatched the series at least 5 times and started rewatching it again for a sixth time.

Anyway since the train to downtown was packed, we were forced to sit in separate rows.   The guy I sat next to was quiet so that was cool.   But Dom wound up sitting next to a teen influencer apparently.   Dom himself is getting more crotchety as he turns 60 and isn't shy about expressing displeasure.  Said teen had her legs sprawled out on the empty seat as he barked for her to move them so he could sit. 

Sitting in front of me were three "mean girls" that did nothing but gossip about who broke up with who, who slept with who, throughout the whole trip.   The one "mean girl" that sat by herself was extra annoying every time she got up to use the bathroom (and eww I would avoid public bathrooms especially since it's only one and especially as a woman) would bark to the other two to "Watch My Bag".   As if someone was going to steal her bag while she's gone.   Where the fuck would they escape to?  It's a moving train.  I hate people. 

I learned from Dom once we got off the train that the teen influencer had two other girlfriends on the train and they were yapping with each other as well.    One of them stepped on the back of my shoe when we were walking on the platform after departing.   Unfortunately Dom is walking a lot slower so I have to walk slow too and of course the influencers (along with a lot of other folks) were wanting to pass around.   I turned around and scowled at them before they eventually were able to get around us.

We couldn't help but think those teen influencers were the younger version of the mean girls that sat in front of us.   It's so annoying having to interact with those folks in a public setting.   But they are part of what makes the world go round I suppose.

Even getting to the theatre which was at the Chicago Shakespeare theatre was an adventure.   It's located in the Navy Pier and since Dom isn't able to walk like he used to, we needed to get a taxi to get there and to get back.   We didn't see any out on the street so we opted for a Lyft.    It took about 25 minutes for the Lyft to get to us and Dom was annoyed that the driver was on her phone the entire time.   Plus her car reeked of weed.    At least the taxi we got back had a nice older gentleman.   He said he was from Jamaica and he got us back quicker than the Lyft driver.   I gave him an extra $5 tip.   Sometimes you do interact with decent folks too.

It was a journey of dealing with people to get to our destination but the play was definitely worth it.  My understanding is that they were testing it out in Chicago before performing it nationally.   I'll say that it was worth the trip.   Plus we sat in the top row and the arrangement of seating was pretty cool.   Basically it was a single seat in each row and we would be able to view the show from our left.   It was nice being away from people as well.   

And we're doing the train trip to downtown Chicago again in a couple hours.    Why?  LOL.   This time we're catching the show Death Becomes Her based on the movie.   Dom is excited to see that one since it's starring Megan Hitly of NBC Series Smash fame that we both enjoyed.    But what nonsense are we going to encounter today?   Heaven knows...but I guess it makes life interesting, right?   Sure.

1 comment:

  1. It wound up being an excellent musical. Had no idea Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child fame was starring in this as well. Not too much drama from crazy folks aside from a bunch of drunk guys that hopped on the train though luckily they sat on the opposite train car even if their voices did carry.
