Sunday, June 16, 2024

Beignet Time

Dom and I are just days away from our trip to New Orleans.   I'm nervous about attending a work conference mostly solo.   I do know one or two people that will be attending, including one from my company.   But I anticipate spending the majority of my time alone.   It'll be a time to try and force myself to be social.

Not only am I nervous about the conference, I'm also nervous about the flight.   There have been a lot of mishaps being reported on the news regarding planes.   In 2024 alone, there have been nearly a dozen reported cases.   Our flight going to NOLA has been changed several times.   The latest change has our flight leaving almost 4 hours later than I planned.    The positive though is that the flight they put us on is now a direct flight.   So at least we don't have to worry about rushing to hop on another plane.

I looked ahead at the weather and it looks like it's pretty much going to be raining all four days that we're in town.   And it's still going to be in the 90's.   I guess as long as there's no tornadoes or hurricanes in the forecast, we'll be good.    I am excited though to read that we'll be in NOLA during their Restaurant Week.   I'm hoping Dom and I will be able to try out a couple of the spots and hopefully for a discount.

We both definitely want to go to Cafe Du Monde and get some beignets.   The last time I was there and had a beignet, I believe was in 2010 (or it may have been 2009).  Nope looks like I went to Toronto in 2009 so definitely 2010 because 2011 was when I went to Spain.   Sadly it doesn't look like I blogged about my NOLA experience.   It was around the time my interest in blogging waned.   

Thinking back to my last trip, the highlight of the trip was my solo dinner some place I've since forgotten and winding up getting a free ticket to House of Blues to see The Neville Brothers perform.  The story there was that I was sitting at the bar (because the restaurant was packed).   There were two ladies sitting nearby and separated from me by a seat.   That seat later got filled by this other guy who spent the majority of his time chatting it up with the ladies next to him and then trying to have me be his wingman.   Of course he didn't know I batted for the other team...LOL.  It ended up apparently he had extra tickets to House of Blues and it just so happened that The Neville Brothers were performing.   He wound up inviting the ladies and myself to House of Blues.   Talk about being in the right place at the right time.   I remember one of the ladies whispering to me that they were glad I came along as well.   We all eventually separated once we were at the venue.    But I was elated to see a free show.

I already know the lines to Cafe Du Monde are going to be insane but it'll be worth it to get those fluffy, sugary pastries to enjoy.   I am looking forward to making new memories with Dom.

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