Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Broom Sweep

 In my last post I mentioned that I had a major life event that would be happening soon.   Well I am officially a married guy.    With everything going on with Dom's life in terms of his work crossroads and general health, we thought it would make sense to protect ourselves legally.   We also obviously married because we love each other.

So we decided to get married inside Marquette Park with a view of Lake Michigan.   The location was significant because we had our first official date and kiss inside of the park.   We only had a few select folks from our Church act as witnesses to our event (though the new Courthouse rules stated we didn't need witnesses anymore), in addition to our pastor.   I was nervous about the event being at the park since we were just doing a quick wedding and not renting it out.    The Park has a Pavilion that folks rent out.   Luckily where we had it didn't need to be rented out but it is a public venue so I was worried about wedding crashers. 

But thankfully we only had one crasher and he wound up being very respectful.   He actually reminded me of my brother-in-law Abe.    Dom wore a kilt for the wedding and Faux-Abe was bold enough to ask Dom about it.   He seemed to be a bit chatty too and was cheering when Dom and I completed the wedding ceremony.

So we treated the small wedding party to dinner afterwards at a local tavern.   Overall 07/20/2022 proved to be a great day for a wedding.

The next day after work, Dom and I drove to Peru, IN to attend the Peru Amateur Circus.   It's a two-week annual event that takes place in July.  The majority of the town residents either perform or assist in making the circus happen.   Dom grew up near Peru and had fond memories of going to the circus there.   He took me there once four years back so this would be my second time there.

After the show we went and got some elephant ears and a pork tenderloin sandwich.   The plan afterwards was to get a hotel.  I had wanted to reserve one ahead of time but Dom insisted we could get one along the way.   The plan afterwards was to head over to his older sister Marie and her husband Mark's place in Bloomington, IN.   Instead of a hotel he thought it was a good idea to call Marie after 11pm to see if we could drive straight there.   He had me dial but she didn't answer so I left a voicemail and we found a Super 8 to stay at that wasn't too bad thankfully.

I took off work Friday morning thankfully but I did log in quickly to check on some work stuff I forgot about.   We grabbed a quick breakfast at Mickey D's and then made our way to Bloomington.   Marie reached out to Dom also and we were able to get some general directions since they live in a newer constructed home and the address info was still not 100% accurate.

So the plan was to stay there until Sunday.  It would be my first time interacting with Marie on an extended basis.  From the stories I've heard about Marie from Dom and the rest of his immediate family, I was expecting things to be a bit awkward.   From my limited interactions with her in the past, she seemed a bit stuck up and mostly living in a small town the majority of her life, had limited interactions with black folks.

She does have her issues but she was nice to me and seemed to want to get to know me.   I guess that's all I can ask for.   It was interesting seeing the dynamics between Dom and Marie in action.  Marie's two years older than Dom and it seemed she was a terror to him.   I heard about how Marie tricked Dom into eating dog food when they were little and Dom wound up getting in trouble with their Mom.  Then there was the time she dissed him to get with the "in crowd".

Her husband Mark was a hoot.   He's like a big kid and is a practical joker at heart.   He was constantly trying to play jokes with us the entire time.   He tried to pawn off a fake $100 to us for Dom driving us to Spring Mill State Park.   

Overall it was a fun weekend.   It was almost like a mini-honeymoon.

What wasn't fun that weekend was my laptop deciding to give me the blue screen of death.  I had a lot of bad luck with this particular laptop since I bought it refurbished back in 2018.   It was a miracle I got almost four years out of it.   So I've been using an older ASUS laptop for the last week and a half that still halfway functions.   But I found a Lenovo IdeaPad that seemed to perfectly what I was looking for.   Also thanks to my work I was able to get a discount which bought my total cost under $500.  Cha-ching!

So here's to my first official blog entry on my new laptop.

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