At the Church I attend there are two folks with odd behaviors that crossed paths and have coupled up. I wasn't there when hints of their relationship first became apparent but thanks to COVID and the church's decision to continue "Facebook Live-ing" services long after the pandemic (5 years and counting...uggh), I got to witness the hints during a rewatch of a service.
Before I get to that moment though here's a brief snippet about each individual. Norbit is the name of the first guy. I believe he first came to the Church sometime in 2018 or 2019. I can't remember exactly. But Norbit has the habit of talking and talking and talking and not knowing when to stop. At the time Dom and I were both actively coming into the Church together. Hemingway poor Norbit kept wanting to hang out with Dom and I outside of Church and neither of us had the heart to tell him no. Dom quickly threw me under the bus telling Norbit to get my number. I reluctantly gave him my number but kept making excuses for not hanging out. I felt bad but did not want to be forced into a situation I wanted no part of. It took him awhile but he finally got the hint. He also stopped coming to services regularly once he got a job at Menard's.
Theron is the name of guy #2. He first appeared at Church around June 2024 at the Church's Pride Picnic event. I remember he seemed pretty nice but had a tendency to overshare on things. As it turned out, he had experience playing piano and there hasn't been a steady piano player since Dom stepped away from playing full-time after over 10 years being the main music man. We did hire another guy a year or so after Dom stopped playing but he unfortunately did not work out and there was a vacancy for several more years that was filled with random muzak from Youtube that I as a choir member had to adjust to singing too. Originally when Dom was playing piano there were three other regular choir members who one by one stepped away until only I remained. Our good Rev inserted himself into the choir just before the third member left. He tends to sing very loudly and is not that great. Plus he selects the music and comes up with the oddest selections which I have to struggle to figure out live. But back to Theron.
Theron offered to play for free on Sundays. He does okay though we've gotten used to singing fast with Dom's playing. Theron plays a lot slower.
So as I said I did not attend service the week Norbit came back to the Church. Actually a month prior to that he appeared as well and I happen to not be at service that week. But the week in question I couldn't help but notice that Norbit parked himself in the front row near the piano. Theron sits in the front row as well whenever a muzak selection is playing or during Rev's sermon. In the video I saw that Theron reached out to hug Norbit. But Norbit didn't seem that receptive.
So the week after that I also didn't attend for whatever reason (I may have hooked up with Anthony that time). I watched the playback later and Norbit wasn't there that week. During the weekly "news to share" segment, Theron spoke up. He basically was saying how much he enjoyed meeting Norbit and was looking forward to seeing him again. That was when I realized something was brewing there and I remember Rev being at a loss of words initially on how to summarize what was said before calling for the next person to give their "news to share".
After that the two of them have been inseparable and have stated they've been at each other's homes. They're an unexpected odd couple. I have to say though I am glad that they found each other. There truly is somebody out there for everybody. I think the crazy tendencies the two have play well off each other.
During our board meeting, the Rev mentioned that Theron was asking for some money now for playing. Part of me was wondering if Norbit put that idea in his head. Besides he needs some spending money to date Norbit. I don't know if Theron has another job or not. But nonetheless it'll be interesting to see where things go with them. Hopefully they don't drive each other crazy with their individual craziness.
But at the end of the day, it's none of my concern. I remember when Dom and I started dating how annoying some folks were getting when they were wondering where Dom and I were heading. Some wanted to put the cart before the horse. There were some that tried to plot against us. But things wound up working out for us.
I wish Norbit and Theron well.