Sunday, July 16, 2023

Tied To The Car

 So I spent my Saturday morning running to Costco to get items for our Church potluck tomorrow.   Dom and I decided to host it tomorrow since it happened to fall on the week of our one year anniversary.   The plan originally was for Dom and I to go to Costco together.   Unfortunately earlier in the week Dom fell into some issues with not being able to pee fully.   He drove himself to the E.R. in the wee hours of Wednesday morning and they ended up putting a catheter up his uretha.    He also has an enlarged prostate which was causing the difficulty.   Having the catheter provided relief from the urges to urinate but unfortunately has made him feel very uncomfortable.   So he wasn't up to going to Costco.

The Costco trip went fine.   It was a bit packed when it came time to leave but thankfully the lines moved relatively quickly.   I decided to head to Meijer for a few extra items needed.    On my way to Meijer I noticed that my rear tires felt funny when I was changing lanes.   

I eventually made my way to Meijer and when I stepped out of the car, I saw that my passenger rear tire was nearly flat.   I was stunned as I didn't recall it feeling flat before.   I decided to do some quick shopping and then I reached out to Dom and our Rev.   I called the Rev earlier because I wanted to drop some of the food items at the Church so we wouldn't have to lug a bunch of stuff over on Sunday.

I couldn't change my tire because my trunk was full of groceries.  Dom wasn't able to get to me because he was feeling constrained by his catheter plus he needed to go to the Walgreens close to our house to pick up some prescriptions related to his current ailment.

So I relied on the kindness of the Rev to come get the groceries (especially the perishable ones) so I could get to the spare tire.  Before the Rev arrived I spied a Discount tire not far from where my car was disabled.  I walked over there trying to see if it was possible to repair my tire.   They said they would put me on the appointment list for getting my car done.   

So when the Rev arrived he picked me up outside of the Discount Tire and then drove over to my car.  He even wound up changing my tire which I was going to do after loading most of the groceries in his car.   I had him take the groceries back to the Church and I would follow later to pick up the groceries that were for Dom and I.

That wound up being $360 and 5 1/2 hours later.   It ended up of course that I would need to get a new tire.   That wound up being $180.   I then wound up spending another $120 or so on warranties for each tire.   The donut on my car also was in bad shape and needed to be replaced.    It's the same donut that came with my car so it was old.    But Discount Tire does not do donut tires so I'll need to figure out where to get one.

It definitely was not the way I planned to spend my day and I ended up charging more than I planned to.   It's put me almost $200 above where I wanted my payoff balance to be.     But I still will pay it off this month (well next weekend) even with whatever extra comes in.     But it's crazy how life throws so much at you that you have to find some way to deal with.

I have no idea if I hit a nail or glass in the road.   But I haven't had much luck with tires over the years and this incident dampened my mood.   I'm praying for a smoother time though a part of me worries that the other rear tire may bald faster due to a possible imbalance in pressure from the new tire.   A mess.    But at least it's under warranty now.

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